Here is Tyee after a long weekend of showing in Illinois. He is 14 weeks now and showed in the puppy division and as you can see, did extremely well. I've also taken him with me hunting several times and he is already proven that he will catch and hold a hog. He is a true Dogo. We look forward to him standing at stud one day in the future along side the others.
We always knew at a very early age that this dog was going to be special. At 3 weeks old while his mates and two other litters slept in front a fire in my home because of extreme cold weather, Tyee paced the playpen constantly keeping watch when the others could barely stand or slept 90 percent of the time. The judges in America quickly fell in love with his confirmation and structure, bragging about all his features. They would all say he’s exactly what a Dogo should be he needs to be bred. My response was always, “He will have to do and be a lot more than pretty and made well in order to pass along his genetics at our kennel.” He will have to have great courage and valor, power and speed, a heart of pure loyalty and devotion to me etc. The list is quite long for our breeding standards but Tyee became everything a real Dogo should be. His accomplishments in show and in the field are just the tip of the iceberg of how special this dog is. He is the most athletic dog I have ever seen or been around and he was born right here at the Circle S. He is Tyee de el Circúlos.