Here at Circle S Kennels we hunt and train our Dogo Argentino dogs constantly. Our Dogos are tested continually. We consistently search for the traits we like and develop them by the highest standards. We teach our children to serve The Lord, work hard and give it all you've got. That is why we love Dogo Argentinos so much. They are devoted to their master, always working hard and giving us their all. Our Dogos will not weaken.
We have caught wild hogs all over the South. Our Dogos will find and subdue a very dangerous target no matter where they are. In the thick briers, mountains and bluffs where we mainly hunt. They are relentless in icy ponds, muddy summertime swamps, caves, rocks, cutovers, creeks and rivers, day or night. Conditions do not matter, only the job at hand.
We have tons of pictures but we just put these few on the site of our boys. All these boars were killed by the kids with knives behind our Dogos. I wanted to show you how safe our dogs make a dangerous situation while allowing the kids to work the dogs and hogs simultaneously. Our Dogo Argentinos never get rattled or lose focus. They exhibit the skills that are vital for success whether hunting, offensive police work, defensive protection or loyal companions.